Thursday, September 3, 2020

Back In Action; More Reviews New Attitudes

     Yes its been that goshdang long since I last joined and wrote and published content here... Since then I've gotten two fursuits, broken at least three cameras and crushed more boxes and fursuiter paws then I could ever have imagined... and my YouTube channel is over four hundred subs. despite all that and the world turning us to a decade of crazy game madness and micro transactions that make even a veteran squirm... so what does the next decade hold for me and my channel? Well to answer that I must come clean and say that I am a furry and the channel will change towards as such... Now that said it wont be a hundred percent focus and much of my post here and content will still be gaming and my adventures in literature world and tons of fun fan fictions will be coming out. All this while we are surviving a global pandemic too...   

    The future of this Blogspot... erm blogger.. will be more about my gaming life and social life colliding into a mash of stuff. Sometimes I may rant about stuff sometimes ill make a joke and hopefully I can finally finish my 1001 gaming moments series!.