Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Call Of Duty Ghosts: Rules of Engagements

It's time for another review this time for a game where the rules were reset... This game is call of duty ghost and it's not like you'd imagined... ghost is new revamp of the series an complete refreser to the old that's not a complete repeated scenes... Ghost has a completely new feel that has effected us all... now let's get into some more details... and as always I've played this on ps4 so it may be a different experience on the foreign platforms I call them foreign because It's foreign to me.

Let's begin with the games initial feel and I mean the things I thought before I played... okay from every review site I visited they made various statements how this game went against all realism and was totally unbelievable and made many of feel it made gravity look good... And we'll they were right... The game had its star wars moments... What I mean by that is explosions in space and muzzle fire which we all know is a complete failure... for pete's sake fire needs oxygen to combust and burn... but when you go past this you get a game that should have lived up to expectations while still having the multiplayer experience with campers and all... I mean it really does not content to battlefield 4 at all... But furthermore what made the game totally worth the hefty price tag was it's amazing campaign and compelling game graphics!